
Thursday 24 March 2011


This recipe turned out just right, with evident strawberry flavor (no essence added, all natural!) and with the right amount of sweetness. Luckily Grace whom is such a great baker also said it's nice. *phew* I loved it so much that I actually craved for it the following day, lol!
Ingredients for No Bake Strawberry/Mango Cheesecake: (makes one 8" round)Cookie Base:
200g graham cracker, crushed
100g melted butter

Cheese filling:
400g cream cheese, soften
90-100g caster sugar (adjust sweetness to your own liking)
1 cup fresh strawberry/mango puree
200ml non-dairy whipping cream, whipped
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 to 1.5 tbsp gelatin powder and 4 tbsp water

Jelly Top:
100g fresh strawberry/mango puree
100ml water
2 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp gelatin powder
1 tsp agar agar powder

  • For cookie base: Mix all ingredients together. Then press the mixture evenly to the base of a 8" or 9" cake pan (preferably those with removable sides or base) Chill the cookie base for at least 30 minutes before using.
  • Cream the cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice and strawberry puree till smooth. Gently stir in the whipped cream and mix till well incorporated.
  • Using double boiler, melt the gelatin in the 4 tbsp water. Let cool slightly but not much else the gelatin will solidify again. Scoop 2 tbsp of the cheesecake batter into this gelatin mixture till well combined. Then add this mixture to the cream cheese mixture and stir well.
  • Scoop the cream cheese batter over the cookie base and level it smoothly. Chill it in the fridge for at least an hour before use.
  • Meanwhile, make the jelly top: In a small saucepan, add all the ingredients in and gentle boil till gelatin and agar agar powder melt and blends in the mixture. When the side of the mixture starts to bubble, remove from fire and let cool for 15 minutes. Then pour the mixture over the cream cheese top and chill it for at least 30 minutes.
The other friend called Grace is an old friend cum neighbor which I had the pleasure to come to know for 3 years while I was staying in KL. She's been a supportive and always welcoming friend to me. I was glad that she is coming to Singapore this time because it's been 3 years since her last visit. Coincidentally, her birthday happens to fall close to the date of her visit to Singapore. That would means I can bake her a birthday cake to celebrate this special day together with her.

Puding Roti COCOCO@Triple CO~

hajat dhati nk wat kek coklat, tpi nmpk 1 paket roti yg x trusik biasa le, dpt idea utk wat puding roti ni...Ini lh hasilnye, sy kongsi dgn kwn2. *p/s klau sedap bgtau kawan, klau x sedap tu...cpat2 bgtau sy...heheee...

Created on : 24-03-2011

Bahan-bahan ( loyang 9 x 9 inci )

  • 12 kpg roti - carik2 kasar
  • 800ml - susu segar@full cream@1 tin susu cair+air= 800ml
  • *roti drendam dlm susu 1/2 jam
  • 3 biji telur - cuci dulu
  • 3 sudu besar serbuk koko - dbancuh dgn sedikit air suam
  • 3 sudu besar butter/marjerin - dcairkn
  • 3/4 cawan gula pasir
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • 1 sudu teh coffee emulco
  • 1/3 cawan kismis
  • * chocolate chips utk tabur kt atas
  • 1 sudu besar tepung jagung


  1. Pukul telur & gula mnggunakn pemukul tgn (x prlu mixer) 1 minit aje@ sedikit kmbang
  2. Masukkn tepung jagung, pukul lagi dikuti butter cair, esen vanilla, coffee emulco & pes koko...gaul hingga adunan sebati, mesra gitu...
  3. Masukkn adunan ni kedlm adunan roti+susu tadi...gaul sebati tpi jgn hancurkn roti...biar ia nmpak brketul ketul sedikit
  4. Akhir sekali, masukkn kismis...taburkn dgn chocilate chips d atas. Sediakn loyang yg dsapu dgn butter/marjerin
  5. Panaskn oven 180'C, bakar >< 50minit @ smpai masak
  6. Selamat mncube...lebih sedap lgi klau dmkn brsama chocolate syrup... 

Red Velvet Cake


Bahan-bahan ( 9 inch )

  • 2 1/2 cawan tepung kek
  • 1/2 sudu kecil garam
  • 3 sudu besar cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cawan unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 cawan gula
  • 2 biji telur
  • 1 sudu kecil esen vanilla
  • 1 cawan susu segar di campur dengan 1 sudu kecil cuka
  • 2 sudu kecil pewarna merah
  • 1 sudu kecil cuka
  • 1 sudu kecil baking powder
  • 2 (8 ounce) Philadelphia cream cheese - suhu bilik
  • 1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 1/2 cawan icing sugar
  • 1/2 cawan susu manis


  1. Panaskan oven (175 degree) dan sapukan mentega ke 2 loyang (9 inch).
  2. Tapis tepung, garam dan cocoa powder. Ketepikan.
  3. (**) Dalam bekas yang lain, pukul mentega hingga lembut (1-2 minit), masukkan gula dan pukul hingga kembang (2-3 minit). Masukkan telur, sebiji demi sebiji. Kemudian masukkan esen vanilla.
  4. Dalam bekas yang lain, masukkan campuran susu + cuka dengan pewarna merah. Gaul hingga rata. Then masukkan campuran pewarna berselang-seli dengan campuran tepung ke dalam (**). Nota: Hendaklah dimulai dan diakhiri dengan campuran tepung.
  5. Dalam mangkuk kecil, campur cuka dengan baking soda dan segera masukkan ke dalam campuran di atas.
  6. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua dan masukkan ke dalam oven selama 25-30, atau sudah masak.
  7. Sesudah masak, sejukkan kek untuk 10 minit. Kemudian keluarkan dari loyang. Wrap dengan plastik dan masukkan dalam peti sejuk sementara membuat cream cheese.
  8. Dengan menggunakan electric mixer, pukul cream cheese hingga lembut. Kemudian masukkan gula, susu manis dan esen vanilla.
  9. Akhir sekali, ratakan cream cheese keatas kek dan di lapis seperti sandwich. 

Kek Black Forest


Bahan-bahan ( Saiz 9" )

  • 120 gm gula kastor
  • 100 gm tepung gandum (saya guna tepung naik sendiri)
  • 20 gm serbuk koko
  • 4 biji telur
  • 10 gm ovalette
  • 20 gm air (saya guna air sejuk yang telah dimasak)
  • 1 sk esen vanila
  • 20 ml minyak jagung (saya cairkan mentega)
  • Untuk hiasan : Nondiary whipping cream (dipukul sehingga kembang-saya tidak guna banyak, takut muak), Jem blueberry (buah) Ceri merah, Chocolate rice (sorilah campur-2 bahasa)


  1. Campurkan kesemua bahan kecuali minyak. Putar pada kelajuan tinggi selama 10-15 minit.
  2. Perlahankan putaran, masukkan minyak.
  3. Griskan loyang, masukkan adunan dan bakar selama 30-35 minit.
  4. Sejukan kek, potong 2 lapisan. Sapu krim dan letakkan beri.
  5. Naikkan kek atas lapisan yang telah dikrim tadi dan sapu semua bahagian kek dengan krim. Saya memang sapu sedikit.
  6. Hiaslah mengikut citarasa kita.

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    1 . Tempahan mestilah di buat lebih awal. 2@3 minggu sebelum
    tarikh yg anda kehendaki. Lebih awal lebih baik....dialu -
    2 . Sebarang pembetulan @ pembatalan mestilah di buat 7 hari
    sebelum tarikh pick-up. ini utk urusan pemulangan wang
    deposit anda , jika tidak deposit tidak akan dipulangkan.
    3 . 50% deposit - perlu dibayar setelah tempahan dibuat , pembayaran penuh boleh dibayar pd hari pengambilan
    4 . Pengesahan tempahan akan dibuat apabila 50% deposit telah diterima.
    5 . My akan diberi apabila pengesahan tempahan telah dipersetujui.
    6 . Harga - perubahan harga mengikut keadaan semasa @ design @ budget

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